XNET Points

Xtremeverse NFT / $XTREME holders will be able to earn points through different activities. These points will unlock exclusive content & airdrops.

How to earn points:

  1. Staking on https://xnet.xtremeverse.xyz Soft-staking, tokens are not deposited in any contract:

    1. Base points/hr: number of staked $XTREME tokens

    2. Bonus pts/hr for NFTs:

      1. Common: +5 pts/hr per unlisted NFT

      2. Rare: +10 pts/hr per unlisted NFT

      3. Epic: +15 pts/hr per unlisted NFT

      4. Legendary: +30 pts/hr per unlisted NFT

    3. The rate numbers may change to improve the economy

  2. Daily Lootbox for NFT holders

    1. 1 common chest for every unstaked & unlisted common NFT (expires in 24H)

    2. 1 rare chest for every unstaked & unlisted rare NFT (expires in 24H)

    3. 1 epic chest for every unstaked & unlisted epic NFT (expires in 24H)

    4. 1 legendary chest for every unstaked & unlisted legendary NFT (expires in 24H)

  3. Playing Xtremeverse games:

    1. Pre-Season 2 Playtest coming soon

    2. Season 2 to follow after Playtest

  4. *Classified* 🤐

Last updated