AI Xtremes (NFT, $XTREME)

Xtremeverse genesis NFT collection is one of the most innovative and inclusive collections.

AI Xtremes

Each "Xtremeverse" NFT is an AI anime character. AI Xtremes are autonomous gaming agents, which can be trained and deployed in any game to compete against humans and other AI players. All skill traits are updated on-chain and can be viewed in NFT metadata. They are currently under training for their first game.

Hybrid 404

The 3K max supply collection on Ethereum is the pioneering 404 gaming collection, directly linked with the $XTREME token. 404 enables fractional ownership of NFTs, and significantly increases liquidity through DEX/CEX exchanges. This innovative approach offers instant liquidity to web3 users and lowers the entry barrier for web2 users transitioning to web3, making it an ideal solution for onboarding and engagement.

DN404 is an implementation of a co-joined ERC20 and ERC721 pair. 1 $XTREME ERC-20 token is linked to 1 ERC-721 NFT. This linking enables fractional ownership of NFTs through fractional ownership of tokens, and also enables NFT liquidity through tokens on DEX/CEX.

For example, you can hold 0.2 $XTREME and get benefits from Xtremeverse ecosystem, but you will not own a pfp or an AI Xtreme. You can buy more $XTREME and the moment you own 1 whole $XTREME, you unlock the next level of benefits along with 1 pfp (AI Xtreme).


NFT holders, including fractional $XTREME token holders can collect points by soft staking on XNET. You do not have to deposit your assets in soft staking. Points unlock early access to all assets and projects within Xtremeverse ecosystem including $XVERSE airdrops and partner project allocations.

You can increase your points earnings velocity by owning more NFTs/$XTREME, and through higher rarity NFTs. Whole NFT holders also get daily chests for every unlisted NFT, which give bonus points.

You will stop earning points if you list your NFTs for sale, and you will start losing points if you sell your assets.

In-Game Benefits

NFT holders (including fractional $XTREME owners) will get tiered benefits as per ownership and rarity in all Xtremeverse games.


If you'd like to join the community, you can buy NFTs on Opensea, Blur, Magic Eden OR fractional tokens ($XTREME) on Uniswap.


Coming soon

Last updated